Saturday 20 April 2024

Hidden: The musical history of the the Bachîn

 BBC Jersey: "Hidden: The musical history of the the Bachîn"

Getting to know L’Office du Jèrriais: A Q&A with the team promoting the Jèrriais language

Getting to know L’Office du Jèrriais: A Q&A with the team promoting the Jèrriais language

 "Europe’s linguistic diversity is increasingly reflected in online spaces, where regional and minority language speakers and their communities leverage digital tools and media to preserve, promote, and revitalize their language heritage. In this spirit, Rising Voices’ online campaign @EuroDigitalLang has been curating a rotating X (formerly Twitter) account. Here, language activists and advocates narrate their personal stories in their own words, engaging directly with their audience and sharing ongoing challenges as well as successes. In this email interview, Rising Voices spoke to upcoming host Geraint Jennings of L’Office du Jèrriais, a public body which promotes and teaches Jèrriais —  the native language of Jersey. More info can be found at their X account: @le_jerriais"

La pathole d'aniet – Jèrriais word of today

un lieu - pollack 

(portrait: Nicolas Jouault)

Bouônjour à matîn - Good morning

   Bouônjour à matîn - Good morning